Maryland Collaborative Law Lawyer
Collaborative Law is an alternative resolution mechanism for disputes. Collaborative Law encourages open, transparent, mature, and cooperative behavior between parties. The hallmark of the collaborative process is that the parties pledge not to go to court and work towards an agreed upon resolution. The parties and their attorneys enter into a Participation Agreement, which defines the environment in which the parties and their counsel commit to reach efficient and mutually agreeable settlements, without court intervention.

Understanding Collaborative Law
Collaborative law is often applied in the family law context; however, it has many applications in other areas of law such as commercial and general business litigation, as well as contract disputes.
The product of the collaborative law process is a Settlement Agreement and a Judgment of Divorce through an uncontested court hearing. In the traditional divorcing model, the children become pawns, and the attorneys become warriors for their client’s cause. Collaborative Law avoids this traditional model. The Participation Agreement requires the parties exchange information and develop strategies to resolve their disputes. A key component of the collaborative model is its transparency.
If you need an attorney to discuss your dispute, call Maryland attorney Michael Taylor (301)251-2772 or email We are here for you every step of the way.