The Difference Between A DWI & DUI In Maryland

Driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) and Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) are criminal
offenses in Maryland. Both offenses center around drunk driving yet have differing legal
consequences. In some situations, the driver may be initially charged with a DWI and DUI. The
prosecution will pursue a DWI charge if there is no breath result or if the driver’s blood alcohol
content (BAC) is lower than .07%. If the driver’s BAC is .08% or higher, the prosecution will
likely proceed with a DUI.
If you or a loved one has been arrested for a DWI or DUI in Maryland, contact my law office for
a consultation. Depending on the nature of the case, I may be able to have the DUI reduced to a
DWI, or completed dismissed. Read on to learn more about the difference between a DWI and
DUI in Maryland and how I can help you.
Maryland DWI Laws Overview
A DWI is the lesser offense of a DUI. As mentioned above, a DWI stands for Driving While
Intoxicated. A driver may be charged with a DWI if his/her BAC is between .04 – .07%. For a
first-time offender, the driver may face up to two-months in jail and be required to pay a fee of
$500. In addition, the driver’s license will be suspended and up to 8 points may be added to
his/her driving record. If the driver refused to take a chemical test pursuant to Maryland’s
implied consent law, or failed the test, his/her driver’s license will be suspended as well.
Maryland DUI Laws Overview
A person is usually charged with a DUI if his/her BAC is .08% or higher. A DUI is a more
serious crime in comparison to a DWI and results in harsher penalties and fines. For example, a
first time offender may spend up to a year in jail and be required to pay a $1,000 fine. In
addition, the driver will lose his/her driver’s license and have up to 12 points added to his/her
The Difference Between A DWI & DUI
As you can see above, the consequences for a DWI/DUI mostly center around a driver’s BAC. If
a driver’s BAC is .08% or higher, he/she will likely be charged with a DUI. You should contact
an experienced Maryland attorney immediately after being charged with a DWI/DUI. An
experienced attorney can help reduce the charge due to the amount of proof required for the state
to uphold either charge. Though a DWI is a lesser charge, it still carries severe penalties. A
driver charged with a DUI may be able to plead down to a lesser offense and reduce the
penalties/fines asserted against him/her.
Hire Maryland DWI/DUI Attorney
Contact my law office for more information about my drunk driving criminal defense legal
services. I provide DWI/DUI criminal defense to residents of Maryland. As mentioned above,
depending on the nature of your case, I may be able to have your DWI/DUI charge reduced or
completely dismissed. Do not delay in contacting my law office.